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Jerry Wedge, our esteemed Executive Director, is stepping down from his role at The Umbrella Arts Center after an incredible 12-year tenure. Under Jerry's leadership, The Umbrella has not only endured but thrived, successfully navigating the construction of our new state-of-the-art facility and the unprecedented challenges brought about by the global pandemic.

Throughout his time here, Jerry's dedication, vision, and tireless efforts have solidified The Umbrella as a vibrant hub for the arts in the Metro West region. His unwavering commitment has left an indelible mark on our organization, its programs, and the entire community.

In recognition of Jerry's remarkable contributions, we are establishing The Wedge Fund— endowment funds dedicated to ensuring the ongoing vitality and sustainability of The Umbrella's facility well into the future. This fund will enable us to continue Jerry's legacy of excellence, supporting our diverse range of artistic endeavors and maintaining our status as a cornerstone of cultural enrichment in the region.

We invite you to join us in honoring Jerry Wedge's extraordinary legacy by contributing to The Wedge Fund. Your generous support will not only commemorate Jerry's tenure but also play a crucial role in safeguarding the future of The Umbrella Arts Center for generations to come.

Thank you for your ongoing support and for helping us ensure that Jerry's vision continues to shine brightly through The Umbrella Arts Center.


Please select a donation amount below. If you'd like to make a leadership gift greater than $25,000, please contact Katie Cimet at 978-371-0820 x201 or

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