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Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:00PM
Musketaquid Winter Solstice Celebration

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:00PM


The Umbrella Arts & Environment Program is thrilled to announce the return of the traditional Musketaquid Winter Solstice celebration!

With some COVID modifications, we will once again gather outdoors on the side lawn at The Old Manse (269 Monument Street, Concord, MA) to celebrate the longest night of the year and welcome the return of the light!  Due to COVID, we'll forego food and singing in favor of festive highlights including:

  • Bonfire
  • Drumming by the Drum Nomads
  • Solstice Ceremony at 6:30pm
Parking for this event is very limited! Please carpool or walk if at all possible.

We're Sorry!
Tickets are no longer available online for this event. Please contact our box office to get up-to-the-minute ticket availability information.

Seat Map
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